Kamala Harris Arrested by DOJ for Impersonating a Major Party Presidential Candidate
0:00 Kamala Harris Arrested by DOJ for Impersonating a Major Party Presidential Candidate Heavily armed federal agents descended this morning on the home of Vice President Kamala Harris with a warrant of arrest on charges of falsely impersonating a major party presidential candidate. The DOJ was concerned Harris might be armed, given her penchant for […]
Devil Says When Trump Arrives in Hell, Hitler Will Move to his Left Side
0:00 Devil Says When Trump Arrives in Hell, Hitler Will Move to his Left Side Hell (A.P.) – Highly placed sources in Hell are saying that Hitler is protesting his demotion to Satan’s left side as soon as Trump arrives. At that time, Trump will sit at Lucifer’s right hand, where he will serve as […]
Kamala Harris Says McDonalds Wrong to Hire a Billionaire
0:00 Kamala Harris Says McDonalds Wrong to Hire a Billionaire Washington, DC – In crisis mode after Donald Trump’s appearance at a McDonalds in Philadelphia, Vice President Kamala Harris released a statement criticizing McDonalds for hiring the former President. “It’s outrageous that McDonalds would hire a billionaire when there are many, many unskilled residents in […]
Biden Seeks Agreement with China Similar to Deal with Iran on Timing and Location of Missile Attacks
0:00 Biden Seeks Agreement with China Similar to Deal with Iran on Timing and Location of Missile Attacks Washington, D.C. – Fresh off the successful downing of Iranian missiles and drones targeting Israel, Joe Biden says he will seek a similar agreement with China on when, from where, and how many nuclear missiles they’ll be […]
Chicken Little Sues Kamala Harris and DNC for Copyright Infringement
0:00 Chicken Little Sues Kamala Harris and DNC for Copyright Infringement Mr. Chicken Little, who inspired and claims ownership of the fable about terrifying the feeble-minded into believing the sky is falling, is suing Kamala Harris and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) for stealing his ideas. Mr. Little claims that Harris and the DNC are […]
The Last will be First: Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard
0:00 So the last will be first, and the first will be last.” (Matthew 20:16) Jesus told an extremely offensive story about a landowner (representing God) who hires some men to work in his vineyard. (Matthew 20:1-16) He hires some guys early in the morning and agrees to pay them a day’s wage, which at […]
In Praise of Muddy (and Algae-filled) Waters
0:00 In Praise of Muddy (and Algae-filled) Waters I was fortunate to grow up in a town that had seven man-made lakes with intractably muddy and grungy algae-green bottoms. Some people dream of crystal clear waters where they can see down to a sandy bottom 100 feet below. Oh, what sad, diminished lives they lead. […]
My Earliest Olympic Memory: How I Learned that Politics and Sports Don’t Mix (Part II)
0:00 My Earliest Olympic Memory: How I Learned that Politics and Sports Don’t Mix (Part II) The Soviet “machine” easily handled the young Americans for most of the 1972 finals’ game, and had run up a 10 point lead well into the second half. The Soviets managed to provoke America’s leading scorer, Dwight Jones, into […]
My Earliest Olympic Memory: How I Learned Politics and Sports Don’t Mix (Part I)
0:00 My Earliest Olympic Memory: How I Learned That Politics and Sports Don’t Mix (Part I) The 1972 Olympics was the first time I witnessed how a nefarious political agenda could wreck sports. At 11-years-old, I was already a rabid basketball fan – mainly of the NBA’s professional New York Knicks in their glory days […]