
Chicken Little Sues Kamala Harris and DNC for Copyright Infringement

 Mr. Chicken Little, who inspired and claims ownership of the fable about terrifying the feeble-minded into believing the sky is falling, is suing Kamala Harris and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) for stealing his ideas.

Mr. Chicken Little, pointing at Trump’s plane

Mr. Little claims that Harris and the DNC are thinly disguising his original work by constantly declaring, “Democracy is falling,” in their campaign against Donald Trump. Little says he invented and perfected the strategy of generating baseless fears in order to manipulate the simple. He seeks damages of 100 million dollars, which he says is a small percentage of what Harris and the DNC have invested in fear-mongering about Trump.

The DNC denies Mr. Little’s claims, arguing that they’d been using “the sky is falling” tactic long before Mr. Little was even born. For instance, while opposing freedom for African-American slaves during and prior to the Civil War, Democrats said banning slavery would wreck the cotton industry; moreover, it would result in massive black unemployment.

In addition, the DNC says Mr. Little was a paid consultant for them, and he signed an agreement stating that the DNC would retain all employment-related intellectual property, including his work on the 2024 “Democracy is falling” campaign. As of press time, Mr. Little had yet to respond to this claim.

SpoofsandProofs.com is written and produced by David Culver Brenner. For a free subscription to SpoofsandProofs.com, enter your email in the “Subscribe” box on the right sidebar. To learn more about his novella illuminating the dangers of socialism, go here.

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